
Friday 16 October 2015

Life "En Caul"

Babies born with their membranes in tact are referred to as being "en caul". It is a rare occurrence, made even more rare by the rates of intervention we see in hospitals these days, where many women have their membranes artifically ruptured to hasten their labour. A student friend of me was lucky enough to see one at a birth centre a couple of weeks ago. I hope I get to see it for myself one day.

There used to be superstitions that a baby born en caul could never drown, or would live a lucky life. Many sailors paid great amounts of money for the dried membranes of babies born en caul to wear as amulets out at sea, hoping that it would protect them from drowning. I thought it would be a clever title for a blog that is about both life in the womb, and life "on call" as a student midwife. To see some beautiful images of a baby born en caul into water, click here. I am sure you will be blown away!

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